Sunday 30 November 2008

Testing through the Credit Crunch - Part 2 - Test Driven Development

In the last post of this series I discussed briefly about Technical Debt and how Test Driven Development can help in dropping the debt and dropping the amount of interest gained over the life of the product.

Test Driven Development is the concept that you write your tests before you write your code. Once your code is finished you refactor with the safety that your newly created test will prevent any stupid bugs that you could have introduced. It's what the TDD community call Red-Green-Refactor. Now to most people writing tests first sounds stupid, "How do you know what your code is going to do until you have finished coding it?"
My retort tends to be "You know what you are expecting back from the call. Your test needs to be really small and since an Assert is a test, Assert what you are expecting your method to return! Image that your code exists and test against it." Below is an example of a small test and when writing tests we should try keep them as small as we physically can.

public void creditcrunch_Test(){
int FutureTechnicalDebt = 100;

So we know that we need tests first to give us a good safety net for writing our code.In Technical Debt terms we have spent a little less to create/run and report on the test and we prevent anyone else breaking our code. Cost-- and Interest-- which is what we want. Running the test above will fail because there is no code to run it against. Write some code to make it pass if you have the time.

The other reason why developers are starting to like TDD, other than the removal of the ear ache that testers would give them about throwaway builds, is that challenges them to think about the interface into their new object. We have all sat down with the keyboard in front of us, tea/coffee next to us and found that someone has changed the interface your were developing against! Queue the expletives! $*@%*$£ !@)@)£)&! Luckily for us we have good Test Driven Developers who have have discussed the interface and we by proxy prevented interest being added to our debt. Interest--! Communication is key in Test Driven Developments, especially when it comes to interfaces because there may be some integration bugs that will creep in without you realising!

Knowing what the Interface is going to look like is has another major benefit. Mocks and stubs! If we know what the interface to an assembly is and how its going to react we can write tests to test our code and when it needs to speak to the other assembly, which may not have been created yet or makes our tests run slowly like accessing a database or filesystem, we can return the results back that we want our code to handle using one of them. This could be exceptions,dodgy data or good data. Testing those code paths means we can increase our code coverage therefore increasing the size of our safety net! It will also mean that our tests run a lot quicker because we don't have to interact with slow drives or have anyone elses tests interfere with our data. Cost-- and Interest--.

So by creating this safety net we have prevented stupid mistakes creeping into our code. Its these stupid mistakes that could cost our team/company a lot of money. Since companies don't have much money it could mean your job!

The graph below shows how by doing the, what I call, simple things we have brought down the technical debt that we could potentially owe. NOTE: The values used are just arbitary values I found on the internet with a little searching.

In the next post in the series I will discuss Virtualization and what the it can mean to you as  a tester!

Thursday 20 November 2008

Testing through the Credit Crunch - Part 1 - Development Environments

The credit crunch has gripped the world and not so long ago Gartner suggested that the investment in technology was going to drop. They have dropped the increase in spending from 5.8% down to 2.3%. This may not seem a lot but when companies spend millions on IT each year it adds up very quickly. Unfortunately past experience has shown that testing departments are the ones who suffer first.

More employers are predicting a rise in redundancies in the UK and the other week a politician predicted a run on British Pound.

This doesn't mean all doom and gloom for IT professionals. Over the next few weeks I am going be writing a series of posts with some best practices that I have found. Lets start this series by discussing the Environments we build and test software.


This is a very ambiguous term so lets split it into the 2 main things I mean. Development Methodology and Testing Environments.

Development Methodology

When creating products it is starting to become common practise to follow Total Quality Management (TQM). The idea is to make sure that quality is in every process of the organisation. By moving to your company to this principle you will be adding confidence to your product to all stakeholders. More confidence in your stakeholders will mean that your department will get a little more funding and since its the credit crunch it must be good!

A lot of companies actually practise this without realising it. The main thing to take away from TQM is that everyone in the company has a part to play in the quality of the product that is delivered!

Agile or Not!

My first few jobs were at financial institutions and thought it was normal to do testing at the end. I worked as a WinRunner Automated Tester. I then started working on some Open Source projects in Java and was asked "Can we see your unit tests? Did you use JUnit?".
I answered quite sheepishly "I tested it by checking that it did what it needed. I don't have any JUnit tests."

Obviously my code got rejected because it wasn't neat and didn't have proper unit tests. There was a few other issues that they raised and to be honest if I was doing the code review I would have rejected it too!

Now I work for an ASP/ SaaS and we do a little Agile. I have been able to see the value of being agile while developing software. The main thing that I have learnt is that Technical/Design debt is something that is inherently low in an Agile Evironment.

Technical debt is the idea that when you release software you go into debt. If you have cut corners it will affect the level of debt you have. If you leave these items in your code it will start gaining interest on your debt. So if you have any TODO's in there that is interest on your debt. If you have poorly designed interfaces then you have added interest on your debt. Putting testing at the end of a project will definitely add interest to your debt! Doing tests at the beginning of the development process will bring down the "interest" accrued against your debt in the development process.

So to help us get through this credit crunch we need to bring down the debt in our software. The best way to do this in my opinion is to achieve this is to move your development team to a Test Driven Development way of thinking. As I said above if you place your tests earlier in the process you will lessen your technical debt. The simple rule when it comes to testing is the earlier you test the cheaper it is to solve bugs. So putting in automated tests at the beginning of the development process will go far in bring down your actual development costs for that project but also for future developments.

In the next post I will discuss further the value of Test Driven Development.