Wednesday 7 May 2008

ISEB/ISTQB - Is it really worth it?

I have been reading James Bach's blog for a while and in the latest post he has commented on Alan Richardson's commentary on ISEB/ISTQB.

Finally I have someone that agrees with me that ISEB/ISTQB while being good in theory is pretty useless in real life. I know that most people reading this will be saying "That is a very bold statement!". I know that it is and below I will explain why I agree with Alan.

Testers have been fighting for years to remove the stigma that testing software is easy and that any person can do it. This, I feel, is because software testers used to be glorified data inputters with a little technical background. No wonder developers saw a secondment to testing as a demotion. Then Kent Beck came along and wrote Test-Driven Development: By Example. A developer who came along and made testing fun for developers! Something that testers could never get right! So lets have a look at the pros and cons of having a ISEB/ISTQB certificate.


  • Lets start why I think ISEB/ISTQB is good. I just said that testers have been fighting for years to remove a stigma that testing software is easy. ISEB came along and people who didn't work in the industry suddenly thought that testing was a little harder because you needed a certificate.
  • It also sets out standard names for things so that if one tester speaks to another they are speaking in the same tongue. Its also the latest buzzword so HR people will more than likely to give you an interview when you apply for a job.

  • The ISEB/ISTQB foundation course teaches the exact same things that I was taught during my first year of university. So not only do you have to pay your way through university but then have to pay from £140 to £700 to get the certificate.
  • I met a ISTQB examiner in my last job and he did not seem to understand testing in the real world. So are the testers that are getting these certificates also getting a working understanding of testing? I honestly don't think so!
  • The other thing, and this is a big thing for me, is that the foundation course book mentions Agile Development 3 times. Those three entries are no more than a quick mention. Is it worth getting a certificate that doesn't give a chapter what is becoming the most common development methodology.

ISEB/ISTQB is unfortunately going the way of the the MSCE certificate of the late 90s. Its becoming no more than a buzz word and I feel is lowering the standard of testing. I know that I am not the only person who thinks this. I read a blog entry not so long ago where testers in India are seen as the poor cousins. Something that we've been working against!

This has to stop and we as testers are the ones who can stop this! Come on testers, lets start a revolt and get certificates to mean something!