Monday 2 November 2009

Testing Should Be Elegant

When you think of elegant what is the first thing to pop in to your mind? Is it a ballerina during "The Nutcracker"? That's one of the first things that pops into my mind.

When you think about elegant technology what is the first thing that appears in your mind? My first thought is an Apple iPod. Actually a lot of Apple products are very good examples of elegant. Other examples of elegance in technology are Amazon's "1-Click Buy" and Google Wave.

In all of these examples the elegance has given them a very unique selling point and made them leaders in their respective fields. The other thing that they have in common is that they have a lot of work that is done in the background. For example, with Amazon's "1-Click buy" it needs to handle if I buy 5 things in 5 minutes and put them in the same box. As a customer, do I care how it does it? No. As Amazon's COO, do I care? yes! It saves money on postage that the customer will probably refuse to pay because they just spent some money.

Now what does this have to testing? Well, in testing what would you consider elegant? I will make it easier by splitting it to test automation and manual testing. In test automation, what framework would you consider elegant? For me, nothing comes to mind. There are some BDD frameworks that are close but to be honest they aren't elegant. In manual testing what technique for testing would you say is elegant? Exploratory! Scripted!

Why is software testing not elegant then? Well, the thing that makes elegance in the items that I had at the beginning of this post is the removal of decisions, especially redundant decisions. The iPhone goes on to silent with a flick of switch, my Android takes 2 or three steps asking me questions as I go along. Every time I get a question I need to make a decision. Nokia's are even worse with the changing profiles that make something slightly less silent each time.

So now get a developer to test their code and they look for the elegant approach because its out of their comfort zone. Developers write tests so they can produce high quality code but they need to decide which framework will fit the best. Decision number 1. Then when they start working with it they realise that there is something that it can't do against their code so they need to swap it out with a new framework. This means they need to update a number of tests which can take a lot of work. Decision numbers 2 and 3. 2 being the need to change the framework and 3 being the new framework that they chose.

If you are a UI Test automator I am sure that you have had a play with Selenium. Selenium is a perfect example of something that could be perfectly elegant but isn't. Have you ever tried to type something into an input box and failed with Selenium? Have you ever tried to press a button with Selenium and failed? Why do you fail to get it right? It was the decisions that you were forced to make at the beginning and you got it wrong. But because you made the decision you are less likely to blame Selenium than yourself.

Then you get into the situation that a developer, either yourself or a colleague, changes the layout of something that didn't have an ID you suddenly see your Continuous Integration server goes red. The XPath is different so you need to update it in each of the broken tests. Elegant? Far from it!!!

So what can we do about this? Well, most developers have started using Domain Specific Languages(DSLs) to write their tests and let all the hard work be abstracted out. It allows developers to now write tests that are now readable and leading towards testing being elegant. The formation of DSLs is starting to make testing more elegant but we need to do more to make things elegant.

In manual testing we also need to make it more elegant. Take a form that has 6 input fields and you can fill in 1 or all 6 of these fields. There are 720 different combinations and then we have to assume that it only takes 1 type of input and that it doesn't go down a number of different code path because that will add to the number of decisions that a tester has to make. Testing will never remove the decision making but cutting them down to make testers a lot more productive.

There are techniques to help you cut the decisions down, like equivalence partitioning, but there are still lots of decisions to be made. If partitioning suggests we only do 10% of the combinations because those are the combinations that are important we still have 72 decisions to make. If each of those take 10 seconds to execute you suddenly have 1 form that can 12 minutes to do. Elegant? Far from it. This is possibly the other reason why management think that test automation is the be all. Test automation is slightly more elegant but to be honest it isn't as elegant as it should be!

What can we as testers do about this? Well unfortunately I can't answer it but we as a community need to do something to make it all a lot more elegant! So when you start developing you next load of test cases, try think about how you can make the process of testing elegant.


Liz said...

A very simple example of elegance in a manual test would be to add, update and then delete a record because you can do this all with one record. I once saw this test written with the delete first. But you still had to add a record to delete it! Duh?

I think I'd approach your example a bit pragmatically. Most modern databases will only let you enter data that conforms to the datatype of the field in question, so there is really no point in trying to type alpha characters into a datetime field. I'd probably still test date validation though, things like Feb 29th etc. If there were 6 fields I'd have a test for each one on its own and a test where data was entered in all the fields. The rest would depend entirely on what the fields are. I have seen tests where every single value of a listbox is tested separately, but frankly, if you can select one item from the list you can select them all.

One thing I'm conscious of making my tests inelegant is the testware I have to use. I wrote far more elegant tests in a 3 column Word table than I can in the rather flaky test editing software we have at work.

I've probably gone into far too much detail. I've always found it easier to write tests than to be articulate about what I do. Perhaps I should write more.

Konstantin said...

"Test automation is slightly more elegant but to be honest it isn't as elegant as it should be!"

OK, isn't it too subjective?

Let me follow up with an example you mentioned as well. A dev changes the layout resulting in a number of tests you need to manually update, even one by one inspecting the new layout. Yes, I've had a lot of experience like that .. when I was using Selenium for instance. ;)

Imagine the following. When the above happens a lot of tests fail. Next, you "open" just one failure seeing something like:
"Cannot find element with path [some_path] and ID [some_ID]." followed by a red 'X'. You also see a next line/dialog suggesting another path/ID/both instead followed by a green 'V'. There is a button having content "Update". You will press it, won't you? As soon as you do that you get another dialog listing all the steps in this test using the same element you've just updated as well as all the other tests in the project that you can automatically update. You can select everything to update resulting in all the tests "fixed" in seconds.

Isn't that elegant? Would you like me to show you a real example instead of typing down a dream? ;)
